Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cravings, Intervals, and Inspiration

What a week!  I conquered quite a few "firsts" this week.  I stuck to the Whole 30 diet for the entire week (minus a small handful of M&Ms one day), packed a healthy lunch daily, made my first smoothies, and conquered a raging craving for pizza.  I'm loving the new Paleo recipes that I've been trying, and I'm amazed at how much better food tastes.  I can literally feel my taste buds changing, and something as simple as a handful of almonds or an apple with cinnamon is absolutely delicious.  The hubby and I were even able to go out to dinner last night and find entrees to order that fit the plan.  I had a grilled tilapia fillet with shrimp and scallops, and a side of mixed veggies.  It was so filling that I didn't feel like I missed out on anything.  I was tempted to order a margarita (it was a Mexican restaurant after all!) but I stood my ground and just drank water.

Even on the day that I caved and ate M&Ms, I had what I consider to be a "first".  I stopped after that handful.  I didn't keep eating an entire bag.  I didn't use it as an excuse to eat more crap later.  I said enough is enough, and I went home to cook a healthy dinner.  I have NEVER been able to do that before.  I saw this quote on Pinterest the other day, and it has really stuck with me.

So true, right?

Another first was an interval workout that I tried yesterday at the gym.  I ran one minute at a 9:30 pace (which for me is really fast) and then walked one minute at a 15:00/mile pace.  I alternated between those paces 10 times.  Man, was that challenging!  Afterwards, I ran at a comfortable 11:00/mile pace while watching the Olympic Marathon trials.  Talk about inspiring!  I have been following Shalane Flanagan and Kara Goucher (who are sponsored by Nike) for the past year.  They are such incredible women.  I actually started crying watching them take 1st and 3rd.  And yes, I was at the gym.  I don't know what it is about competitions like that, but they just move me.  I had to pretend to wipe sweat off my face while I was running.  Slightly embarrassing.

I'm going to hold on to that inspiration to motivate me to run 8 miles today.  If they can kick ass while running 26.2 miles, I can handle 8.

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